Can Pozool evolved

Pozool is a point of sales aimed at small coffee/restaurant/truck food business, that back I developed back in 2014! Today I remember this time fondly and though to myself can we revive the same brand and tool and pivot it toward Short term rental business ?

Can Pozool be something else ?

Pozool logo

Many years ago I built a point of sales, although rather primitive it was also very useful for what the market it served. This was one of the pieces of software I am most proud to have built from scratch using at the time the latest Android methodology and thinking through the core requirement for such a tool. Since then unfortunately I have shifted my focus, and I have abandon development of it. The brand however stayed! and last I checked there are some device that even bragged about being able to support Pozool Point of Sales!.

So I’ve been thinking given the new stage of my life and development should I retake Pozool as a brand and shifted toward something else ?, over the next couple of month I wished to answer this and set aside some time to work on a solution for short term rental market, this time an open source tool, that can be used to tracked and give order to small/medium size short term rental units, hotels, motels, BnB and so on. Along with it I probably be using this system directly with customers to get feedback about it.

So brace yourself as I believe Pozool Stays is going to get started, I’ll be doing the best effort to post updates in this blog page, that even though is not exactly AI related it is random enough to get its place here!

See you all, Jose

Written on May 19, 2024